
FLOC volunteers have much to celebrate at the end of 2011 with over 22,000 service hours given to the local community.  That number was achieved through 182 volunteer opportunities, partnering with over 60 nonprofits, expanding into SD and LA counties, engaging new members and creating an innovative corporate volunteer matching program.  According to the Independent Sector  an hour of… read more

September 16, 2011

Build A Miracle

Build A Miracles raises  … read more

Across the United States this coming weekend many Americans will be remembering the September 11th attacks by stepping outside of themselves and volunteering for a local organization in their community.   FLOCers too will be a part of the “weekend of remembrance” by engaging in several volunteer activities including: Assisting special needs children of military personnel… read more

Most of you I am assuming have met him, laughed with him, argued with him, volunteered with him, slapped him, kissed him, jumped on him, been massaged by him, challenged by him, instructed by him, checked-in by him, encouraged by him, shed a tear by him or simply decided not to engage with him only… read more